SEO 2.0

Effective SEO techniques for 2019

There are two distinct aspects of SEO – On-Page/On-site or Off-Page/Off site optimization.

On-site optimization refers to a series of measures that can be taken on the website that will improve its position in search rankings, such as optimizing content and overall structure for the targeted keywords and key phrases.

This broadly includes the following:

  1. Page Titles – Each page and posts in the website should have its own unique title and, which includes the primary keywords for that page. Also add modifiers to the page title such as ‘best’, ‘guide’, ‘easy’ and so on.
  2. Meta Descriptions – These descriptions are an important place to include relevant keywords for your content, as these are used within the search results when the page is listed.
  3. Meta Tags – For each of your pages, you can include a set of keywords in the form of meta tags. These should be all the relevant keywords of your content. 
  4. URL Structure – Use search engine friendly URLs for each of the pages, as these bring better crawling. Shorter URLs seem to perform better in search engine results. URL should also be keyword rich.
  5. Title in <H1> Tag – Generally, the H1 tags are reserved for the main page title. Check the site code to ensure the title gets the H1 love it deserves.
  6. Subheadings in <H2> Tag – Insert the targeted keyword in at least one subheading.

  7. Insert the keyword in first 100 words

  8. Using Multimedia – Make use of engaging videos, images, and infographics that can help user spend more time on the site and thereby improving bounce rate.
  9. Responsive Designs – The site should have responsive designs providing similar user experience on mobile and tabs.
  10. Internal Links – Add 2-3 internal link to every post.

Off-site optimization refers to all the measures that can be taken outside of the actual website in order to improve its position in search rankings. These are measures that help create as many high-quality backlinks(incoming links) as possible.

This includes the following:

  1. Guest Blogging – on other platforms
  2. Content Publishing Platform such as Medium, Slideshare, Blogger, Tumblr. Requires signing up and producing quality and genuine content. Since these sites are influenced by social networks, there is a tremendous multiplier effect.
  3. Presence on Question and Answers platforms such as Quora
  4. Leveraging Visual Marketing – Making use of images, infographics etc. – with appropriate content. Sharing it on infographic sites such as
  5. Personal Branding – To establish a desired image in the mind of target audience by an individual or an organization.

According to a recent study from Weber Shandwick – Global executives attribute 45% of their company’s reputation to the reputation of their CEO.

  1. Regular Competitor watch – of activities that they are regularly doing.

Besides, the most important part today in Off-site optimization is Social Media Marketing.